Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Today's Panic Attack

Man I can be crazy as fuck sometimes. I sent my 10 year old to the store 3 blocks away and damn near snapped as soon as she left my eyesight. So I hopped in my car raced around the corner to catch up with her. You should have seen the expression on the Asian woman's face when my wild eyed ass rolled up in there. She was fine of course but I was a fuckin wreck.

At her age I was cooking dinner for myself and my sister, going to the store, and all types of stuff. I talk shit about how these kids gotta get out my house by a certain age but whatever. To those that don't know me, I swear to God I don't go crazy of every little thing. Its just when I do I write to get the embarrassment off, you know? The sad thing about it is that I was so completely comfortable with my son going to the store and doing things on his own. He's a boy so I am supposed to worry less, right?? Wrong!! All the shit that can happen to her can happen to him too, its just that girls are subject to so much bullshit. Anyway I gotta give this girl more freedom before I wind up creating the stereotypical needy non-self-reliant woman that I can't stand. Whew that feels better!!