Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Good Ole Boys got Busted

Well they got theirs... I guess... This lesser known story is about a black man who had the crazy idea that he could go fishing at an idyllic lake in rural Wisconsin. I've been waiting since 2005 to see what would happen to these idiots. The Northlake Wisconsin Fire Chief and a Firefighter literally chased the guy brandishing guns and threatened the man with a German Shepard and told him to get his black ass back where he belongs. I sincerely believe that if it wasn't for a white female witness to back up this man's story it would of went nowhere. She seemed just as shocked as I was. When the story first broke one of our local news anchors asked the Northlake fire chief what happened. The guy was completely confused and oblivious to what he had done replied "I was just trying to help the colored guy out!!" Classic! They should have gotten a stiffer penalty than this. Sad that the racisim continues. Click to see original story..
and Sentencing links for more info...


I swear this year is starting off on a very somber note. When it rains it pours...

I got a call from my sister a couple of days ago to tell me that Delando(Prince), our father is dying. Apparently, he has lung cancer which is spreading to his heart. One of his lungs is threatening to collapse any day now and he will have to be on life support.

I am his oldest daughter and I barely know the man. Still it is so hard to be completely heartless about the situation because I still love him. I want to tell him to kiss my ass but I can't. There were so many times when I needed him but he was not there. He is an entertaining liar, typgraphical drug addict who sired 15 children who he tried and did not try to support. Thank god my mother only had me.

When I hear his voice, it sends me back to the years when he used to tell me ally types of stories and used to facinate my young mind. I still love him. He is 49 this year and probally won't make it to 50, which is still so young. When I spoke to him he still had that bounce to his voice that I remember, which I can't tell whether or not it is a charade to protect my feelings or whether he is trying to convince hisself that his impending death is all in his imagination. I can't tell. I hate that it still hurts.

A Story in Six Words

Kactus Tagged me...

Sanctimonious sermons sung. Souls still unfulfilled.