Saturday, January 13, 2007


Oh well...

You would think with our supposed job market boom that skilled sister such as myself would be able to keep a job for a little bit.

Life is really starting to get on my nerves. I try, and I try, and I try, to maintain, stabilize, and prosper but I am getting fucking nowhere. The more I make the more they take no matter how dependable the income is. I.E. Get a little child support during the holidays for about 4 weeks from the baby daddy and *poof* what do you know the rent inches up higher.

Riddle me this....

It takes 2 weeks for the powers to be to catch a girl getting an extra 70 bucks every two weeks but how long do you think it will take these muther fuckers to adjust my rent because of a decline in income???

.... can't guess??

Hows about 2 months. Thats right 2 muther f-ing months. By which time I will have found another full time job and you know what happens then?? In 2 weeks - up goes the got damned rent. In the interim of course, I suffer, beg, and continuously rob Peter to pay Paul. What of those handy MSN Money suggestions?? "have 6 months of living support saved" & "pay yourself first" & "401k for retirement"?? Well I looks like I'm gonna have some penalties to pay cause might need some of that change.